B.A.D.D Drag Warz & Track Attack

Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 09:30 to 22:00
Track Attack
Cars will be set off at times intervals for three flying laps with the best lap counting and there will be 3 times sessions during the day. The event runs from 12 noon until 8pm with the Track Attack finishing by 6:30pm as it is recognized that some cars may not have headlights. Entry fee is $80.00 and is open to anyone with a valid BMF competition license.
Drag Racing
Side by side drag racing with cars groups solely by time. Time brackets are half second brackets. Persons entering the drag racing must be members of BADD. Annual membership is $50 and the entry fee for the event is $80.00
Scrutineering for the event begins at 9:30am.