Carter’s Pit Stop Stages to open BRC Championship

As the Barbados Rally Cub (BRC), which celebrated its 60th Anniversary in 2017, heads in to a new decade, measures are in place which the management believes will support the Club’s sustained growth. This was the message from Chairman Mark Hamilton as he addressed last night’s (Thursday) Annual General Meeting at the Barbados Clay Target Shooting Association (BCTSA) Clubhouse at Searles, Christ Church.

  During an evening of upbeat announcements, it was also confirmed that the opening round of the BRC Driver’s and Class Championships on Sunday, April 22, will now be known as the Carter’s Pit Stop Stages; as part of its biggest-ever sponsorship deal with the Club, the Wildey business will host Scrutineering at its Complex the day before and actively support the event on its social media platforms.

  Referring to his 2016 annual report and the “winds of change within the club” during its 60th Anniversary year, Hamilton said: “Many of the topics that I touched on during last year’s AGM have been implemented, completed or gained significant traction during the year, while the Committee of Management’s push in sensitizing the Club to the need for ‘new blood’ to sustain its growth and strength has been heard. These points, combined with the year’s success in the competitive elements has resulted in continued growth, with positive things happening that will influence the Club’s operational future.”

  Two long-standing members of the Committee of Management (CoM) have stepped down voluntarily, in the most significant re-shuffle since 2010 – Roger Hill and Roger Sergeant have been replaced, respectively, by Rhett Watson and Barry Mayers. Hamilton said: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank both Roger Hill and Roger Sargeant for their significant contribution to the CoM, the Barbados Rally Club and motor sport in general while on the CoM. Although making the choice to take a step back, I know that their assistance will always be available should it be called on by the CoM, while Roger Sargeant remains an invaluable leader of one of our marshal teams.”

  During the evening, Club PRO Neil Barnard outlined the format for the Carter’s Pit Stop Stages, with specific timings to be confirmed nearer the time: Scrutineering will take place at the sponsor’s Wildey, St Michael, premises on Saturday afternoon, April 21, with Kendal Plantation Yard, St John, the Service Park and central hub of two loops of five stages on the Sunday (April 22). In the morning, three runs from Malvern to Wilson Hill will alternate with two stages between Pool and Society; in the afternoon, the stages will be reversed, three from Society and two from Wilson Hill, although they will run for a slightly longer distance than in the morning, adding to the challenge and making for a total distance of around 40 kilometres. The day will end with a Prizegiving at Kendal.

  The Club will also focus its attention this year on its volunteers with a Marshals Rewards Programme, which will be officially launched at the pre-season Training Day on Saturday, April 14; designed to add another layer to what the Club already does in support of this important group, it will provide for year-end prizes based on a number of Key Performance Indicators.

  In addition, a major public awareness campaign will be rolled out ahead of Flow King of the Hill and Sol Rally Barbados; the aim is to emphasize to all road-users the importance of following instructions from marshals and Island Constables during the events (and the serious consequences of not doing so), also to explain to Barbadians in general the impact that the events have on the island’s economy. Hamilton said: “We have been searching for our two ‘stars in the making’ to deliver this message; we have secured the services of Mr ‘Beef and Potato’ himself, Shon Cummins, and are now considering who will accompany him in this venture. Please watch this space.”

  Under Any Other Business, members were also informed of significant progress made by the Regulations Discussion Group, chaired by Rhett Watson, which started work at the end of last year, ahead of the next three-year cycle of Vehicle Regulations, for 2019 to 2021. The group’s report was submitted to the most recent meeting of the CoM, which will shortly announce the date for an Extraordinary General Meeting, at which members will be able to discuss and vote on the new proposals.

  Concluding his address, Hamilton said: I would like to thank the marshals body for their hard work and dedication once again, the members for their support and invaluable contribution, the print, broadcast and on-line media for their continued coverage and support of motor sport, Corporate Barbados for its continued confidence and investment in the Club and its activities, the Government of Barbados and its officers with whom we interact, the Royal Barbados Police Force, the various NGOs for their on-going support, the CoM and sub-committees for their continued hard work and all of those who quietly lend a hand without any acknowledgement or fuss.”


BRC CoM: Chairman, Mark Hamilton;
Vice-Chairman, Geoffrey Noel;
Treasurer, Jeanne Crawford;
Competition Secretary, Neil Corbin;
Assistant Competition Secretary, Kreigg Yearwood;
Assistant Competition Secretary (MudDogs), Ricky Holder;
Vehicle Classification Officer, Adrian Linton;
Secretary, Jamal Brathwaite;
Marshal Liaison Officer, Rhett Watson;
Equipment Officer, Barry Mayers;
Public Relations Officer, Neil Barnard;
Entertainment Secretary, Sean Gill


* BRC Driver's & Class Championships; BRC 2wd & 4wd Championships:

Round 1 – Apr 22, Carter’s Pit Stop Stages;
Round 2 – May 27, Flow King of the Hill;
Rounds 3 & 4 – Jun 1-3, Sol Rally Barbados 2018;
Rounds 5 & 6 – Oct 28, BRC SuperSprint;
Round 7 – Nov 23/24, BRC Winter Stages

* some dates may be subject to change

Chefette MudDogs Safari Championship:

Round 1 - Mar 11, BRC MudDogs March Safari;
Round 2 - April 14, Chefette April Safari;
Round 3 - Jun 23/24, Sol June Safari;
Round 4 - Sep 16, BRC MudDogs September Safari;
Round 5 - Nov 11, Nassco November Safari.
Non-championship: May 1 - MudFest

BRC Autocross Championship:

Round 1 - Feb 25;
Round 2 - Apr 7;
Round 3 - Aug 11;
Round 4 - Nov 4



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